Fight, Flight, or Fawning

woman people pleasing

Chances are, you’re familiar with the fight, flight, or freeze responses to trauma.

We’ve all heard about the frenzied mother lifting a 3,000-pound car to save her child. Maybe we’ve noticed how we’ll automatically jump away from a snake while walking in the woods. Or feel that immediate spike of adrenaline when you may or may not be going the speed limit and see a police car.

The fourth type of trauma response that might not immediately spring to mind, however, is fawning.

Do You Expect Too Much of Yourself?


For people like us, the drive for personal excellence often eclipses reality, and we begin to wonder, Are my expectations too high? Am I being reasonable? Expecting too much of yourself is a trap that any of us can fall into if we’re not careful. Furthermore, it affects everything from our relationships to professional lives, and even our appearance.

Petting the Tiger: How to Stay “Recovered” From an Eating Disorder

Petting the Tiger: How to Stay “Recovered” From an Eating Disorder - Meadows Ranch

To heal, those of us with eating disorders must seek balance. This means that, unlike my friend who is “in recovery” maintaining abstinence from alcohol — tiger in its cage — we are “recovered,” maintaining a relationship with that which used to control us. So we must pet the tiger.

Bipolar Depression vs. Depression

girl with depression

As we’ve all taken positive steps forward in feeling more comfortable talking about mental health, the learning curve can still feel steep. This is especially true when there are so many important nuances to recognize with something as important as depression.   

Like, what’s the difference between bipolar depression versus depression? What about clinical depression, which is also known as severe depression? How do you know which category you fall into? What are the signs?

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The Meadows Seasons

The Meadows Ranch has transitioned to The Meadows Seasons in Wickenburg.

For those in need of treatment options, please visit or explore the services offered at our Meadows Outpatient Center.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your healing journey. 866-390-5100