A Deep Dive Into Binge Eating Disorder

girl upset and feeling guilty

Have you felt stuffed after a plateful of food, only to go back for seconds? Do you use vacation as an excuse to indulge in a few too many treats? Ever find yourself mindlessly finishing off an entire bag of chips while watching TV?

None of these experiences are out of the ordinary, as we all exhibit unhealthy eating habits every now and then. But there is a difference between occasional overeating and recurrent food binges that spiral out of control.

Why Pro-Ana Websites Are Dangerous

Woman looking up website

You can find almost anything on the web these days, but did you know this includes pro-ana websites? While it may seem strange to some that eating disorder support online exists, for others, it’s an affirmation of their lifestyles and choices that masks the harmful effects of pro-ana culture, to dangerous results.

Adolescent Eating Disorder Patients

adolescent girls

The adolescent years are full of changes: bodily, hormonally, emotionally — you name it, it’s probably changing in your child. It can be difficult to know what’s what with your tween or teen. Is it a phase, is it a quirk, or is it an issue that needs to be addressed?

These constant changes can make it hard to notice the signs of eating disorders in adolescence. What seems like a new appreciation for health food could be the beginning of disordered eating. What looks like a new clothing style could be an attempt to hide weight loss or other bodily changes.

So what are the signs of eating disorders in adolescents, and how can you know when your child needs help?

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The Meadows Seasons

The Meadows Ranch has transitioned to The Meadows Seasons in Wickenburg.

For those in need of treatment options, please visit TheMeadowsSeasons.com or explore the services offered at our Meadows Outpatient Center.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your healing journey. 866-390-5100