Remuda Sponsors NEDA Benefit

The Meadows Ranch was delighted to sponsor the Dessert Reception at the recent NEDA 2014 Annual Benefit Dinner. Patty Evans, Chief Marketing Officer and Chris Diamond, Executive Director for The Meadows Ranch attended this elegant benefit dinner in New York City. “The spirit of Healing, Hope and Heroes was so evident at this event we are thrilled to have sponsored the reception with entertainment by Mary Lambert and spend time with the amazing leaders of NEDA” said Patty Evans.

How To Support Someone With An Eating Disorder

Statistically, only one in 10 men and women with eating disorders receive treatment. Chances are, someone you know and care about is struggling from anorexia, bulimia, or another form of an eating disorder, and naturally, you want to be helpful and supportive. You may have encouraged them to eat more and worry less about the way their body looks—anything you can think of to help them improve their situation.

Unfortunately, trying to help someone with an eating disorder can be exceptionally trying and difficult; often leaving you feeling discouraged and helpless. Approximately 20% of individuals suffering from eating disorders, specifically anorexia, will prematurely die from health-related complications, so the thought of losing them is very real.

What NOT To Say To Someone With An Eating Disorder

You cannot force a person with an eating disorder to change. You can, however, offer support and encouragement, and this alone can make a huge difference to their wellbeing and motivate them to seek out the necessary treatment. Sometimes though, people with the most caring intentions may say something they feel is completely harmless and benign, without understanding how their words are heard by a person suffering from an eating disorder.

Stressed for Finals? It May Trigger Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can be genetic or caused by psychological issues like coping skills, control issues, trauma, family trouble, or social issues. While different types of eating disorders have different possible causes, one thing is for sure—female college students are particularly at risk for engaging in this harmful behavior.

Recent studies have shown that approximately 31% of female college students suffer from some form of an eating disorder. In fact, one college campus survey reported that 91% of the women admitted to controlling their weight through dieting, with 22% identifying themselves as dieting “often” or “always.” An estimated 25% of college-age women resort to binging and purging to manage their weight.

Why Extreme Diets, Like Juice Fasts Are Harmful.

As the media speculates whether or not an eating disorder, coupled with extreme dieting and juice fasts may have played a role in the sudden and tragic death of 25 year-old Peaches Geldof; there is one thing we know for certain – approximately 24 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder) in the United States.

However, with this case thrusting the health risks related to extreme dieting into the media spotlight, we wanted to take a moment to discuss the very real dangers that occur when people engage in extreme dieting and explain the real life consequences that can occur.