Signs Of An Eating Disorder Relapse

The Meadows Ranch has previously discussed how to deal with an eating disorder relapse; however, we cannot emphasis enough the importance of being aware of the warning signs. Many people with eating disorders do experience a relapse, but it should not be seen as a failure. A recurrence is an opportunity for an individual to learn from the experience and to adjust their coping skills.

Equine Therapy and Eating Disorders

Horses are powerful animals prized throughout time for their strength, speed, and beauty. These loyal creatures have served men in battle, joined them on the hunt, and have participated in sport. Long ago in the Stone Age portraits of horses were immortalized on the walls of caves, and from ancient times to modern times these majestic creatures have captivated our admiration. The horse has seemingly always held a prominent place in our mythology and survival.

At The Meadows Ranch, these noble creatures play a crucial role in eating disorder treatment and recovery.

Helpful Tips For Managing Your Eating Disorder This Summer

Summer is here and for most people that can entail; going to the beach with friends, hanging out by the pool, endless summer cookouts, shorts and tank tops, and the anxieties that can arise along with wearing a swimsuit. If you are one of the millions with an eating disorder, this time of year may make it even harder to manage your symptoms. Body image issues often resurface and maintaining a healthy relationship with food becomes more challenging.

Anxiety and Eating Disorders

When people develop eating disorders, it really isn’t about food. Anorexia and bulimia can usually be traced to an underlying emotional issues, where control over food or food as comfort as a way to self-medicate. Often, the condition that leads to restricting food or binging and purging is really anxiety.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness is the United States, affecting approximately 40 million adults age 18 and older (18% of the U.S. population). These disorders are highly treatable, yet only about one-third of those suffering receive treatment.[1]

Summer Is a Good Time to Seek Eating Disorder Treatment

Teens and young adults struggling with an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia, often find it difficult to ask for help. They often make an excuse to themselves “it’s not the right time” to address the disorder due to school or other obligations. Feelings of embarrassment and shame can accompany eating disorders that make the sufferer reluctant to seek treatment during the school year as they do not wish to disclose their issue and risk judgment from peers.

Compounding things even more, eating disorders often accelerate as the temperature rises. Summer is particularly difficult if you struggle with your body image. Warm weather means shedding the heavy winter clothes and heading to the beach or backyard pool. Unfortunately, for many young women desperate to take off a few winter pounds or already actively restricting their food intake, this time of year can lead them down a dangerous path to unhealthy behaviors.