Eating Disorders And Women Over 50

Many people are under the impression that eating disorders only occur in adolescent girls and young women, but the truth is there is no age limitation to disordered eating.

In a study of women age 50 and over by the International Journal of Eating Disorders, 13% had symptoms of an eating disorder. Additionally, 70% were attempting to lose weight, and 62% felt their weight had a negative impact on their life. These percentages are strikingly close to the percentages of younger women and girls with eating disorders and poor body image.

Size Diversity: Every Body Is Different

Genetics largely determines a person’s shape and size, so the ideal body type for most is an impossible standard of beauty. His or her weight cannot determine their health. Unfortunately in our culture, weight and health go hand in hand. For people struggling with eating disorders, a huge factor contributing to the pain brought on by an eating disorder is the worry of being humiliated and rejected for their weight, no matter what it is.

The Progressive Nature of an Eating Disorder

Trending this Week at The Meadows Ranch
By Libby Neal, MA, LPC

Eating disorders are more fluid than fixed. It seems the course of an eating disorder is progressive in nature, changing in severity over time. Eating disorder professionals who have worked long enough with one person will see the type of behaviors move from one end of the spectrum to another.

Does Self-Esteem Overlap with an Eating Disorder?

Trending this Week at The Meadows Ranch
By Libby Neal, MA, LPC

A person’s feelings shift throughout the day based on positive and negative interactions. Hearing critical feedback from a teacher on how a paper could have been improved may leave a person feeling poorly about herself. Or if a new romantic interest becomes disinterested, a person may wonder what he or she did to lose that previous connection.

Special Event: November 6, 2014 Register Now!

inpatient eating disorder

Thursday, November 6, 2014 at The Hotel Denver in Glenwood Springs, Colorado – Libby Neal, MA, LPC will take you through a “fact finding mission,” where she will identify and answer some common questions about eating disorders including diagnosis, symptomology, and treatment options. Geared mostly towards mental health and medical professionals, this lively discussion will […]

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The Meadows Seasons

The Meadows Ranch has transitioned to The Meadows Seasons in Wickenburg.

For those in need of treatment options, please visit or explore the services offered at our Meadows Outpatient Center.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your healing journey. 866-390-5100