Finals and Anxiety with Eating Disorders

Many college students are preparing for their holiday breaks, which means finals are just around the corner. Exams and finals cause a very natural level of stress for the majority of college students, but for some, exam periods can trigger the development of or a relapse in eating disorder behaviors. Unfortunately, female students are particularly at risk for engaging in these harmful behaviors.

Managing The Holidays and Your Eating Disorder

Understand Your Anxiety For those suffering or recovering from anorexia, there’s a huge fear of being expected to eat a certain amount and enjoy it. For those who are bulimic, have BED or are recovering, it’s hard to avoid the many triggers to binge or purge. This is why it’s important to weigh out the […]

Mike Gurr Named The Meadows Ranch Director of Family Services

Mike Gurr
We are pleased to announce that Mike Gurr has joined our staff as Program Director of Family Services. As program director, he will guide group and individual therapy, community workshops, and intensives for families of women and girls with eating disorders. He will bring his experience as a Certified Daring Way Facilitator and a trained Arbinger facilitator to his work.

Runyan to Speak at Eating Disorder Conference

The Southeast Eating Disorders Conference will take place in New Orleans, August 26-28. The Meadows Ranch will be represented at the conference by Clinical Director Buck Runyan, who will be presenting on “Unveiling the Mysterious Relationship between Temperament and Eating Disorders.”

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The Meadows Seasons

The Meadows Ranch has transitioned to The Meadows Seasons in Wickenburg.

For those in need of treatment options, please visit or explore the services offered at our Meadows Outpatient Center.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your healing journey. 866-390-5100