When Ed Meets COVID-19: Pandemic Meal Planning

Meal planning

Back in the day, my eating disorder (aka “Ed”) would have provided all kinds of ways for coping with COVID-19. Unfortunately, none of his coping mechanisms involve recovery. Have you heard Ed chiming in with excuses to cut back on your own recovery efforts during this unprecedented worldwide pandemic?

Recovery From Six Feet Away: Connection, Creativity, and the Coronavirus

Social Distancing

Worldwide pandemic or not, recovery must come first. No matter what, we must continue to follow healing principles. This means, in part, doing recovery from six feet away, which is how far the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has asked us to separate from others. The buzzword phrase is “social distancing,” and it is meant to prevent the spread of the virus. It is not a free pass to relapse (as Ed would have told me).

Missing! Trauma-Informed Care: When PTSD Collides with an Eating Disorder

PTSD and Trauma in hiding

Trauma specializes in hiding. It rarely wears a sign saying, “Hey, I’m right here!” In fact, it is frequently the opposite. People who have endured trauma commonly don’t even know it themselves.

Debunking Diet Culture

Myths or Facts

You are not alone if you’ve been victimized by diet culture and are feeling tempted to pursue weight loss. Try something different this year; make a resolution not to diet. You have full permission to choose a full, abundant life rather than one spent shrinking yourself to appeal to the masses.

Food-Driven Holidays and Eating Disorders: A Survival Guide

The holiday season is once again upon us. Does that make your mind wander to wintry scenes, family fun, yummy food, and laughter with loved ones around a table? If yes, you are fortunate to experience the holidays the way they were intended – with joy, beauty, pleasure, and community.