Missing! Trauma-Informed Care: When PTSD Collides with an Eating Disorder

PTSD and Trauma in hiding

Trauma specializes in hiding. It rarely wears a sign saying, “Hey, I’m right here!” In fact, it is frequently the opposite. People who have endured trauma commonly don’t even know it themselves.

Debunking Diet Culture

Myths or Facts

You are not alone if you’ve been victimized by diet culture and are feeling tempted to pursue weight loss. Try something different this year; make a resolution not to diet. You have full permission to choose a full, abundant life rather than one spent shrinking yourself to appeal to the masses.

Food-Driven Holidays and Eating Disorders: A Survival Guide

The holiday season is once again upon us. Does that make your mind wander to wintry scenes, family fun, yummy food, and laughter with loved ones around a table? If yes, you are fortunate to experience the holidays the way they were intended – with joy, beauty, pleasure, and community.

Making Peace With Food and Our Bodies This Holiday Season

Embracing the holidays

Ed is that unwelcome guest at holiday occasions. He inevitably shows up at each festivity, and he ruins everything. At least, that was my victim thinking many years ago. I blamed Ed, because it was easier and less scary than being accountable for myself.

For Some Women with Eating Disorders, Halloween is No Treat

Pumpkins at Halloween

Many holidays seem to revolve around food, making those in recovery from an eating disorder wary of joining in the fun. But you can still enjoy the tricks and treats of Halloween without having to turn off your porch lights and stay inside. (Although it’s perfectly fine to do that, too.) Planning ahead and preparing yourself to handle any negative feelings that come up will help you avoid resorting to unhealthy eating behaviors.

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The Meadows Seasons

The Meadows Ranch has transitioned to The Meadows Seasons in Wickenburg.

For those in need of treatment options, please visit TheMeadowsSeasons.com or explore the services offered at our Meadows Outpatient Center.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your healing journey. 866-390-5100