Accepting the Past as an Asset in Recovery

By Aleah Johnson, The Meadows Alumni Coordinator

What if I were to tell you that all aspects of your past would be used as an asset? Would you believe it or would you instantly regret and want to change it?

I have a love/hate relationship with the word “acceptance.” As a stubborn addict, I am not supposed to agree with everything, right?

Wings of Hope: Free Flight to The Meadows Ranch

For women and girls struggling with an eating disorder, recovery is often a long and difficult journey. In many cases seeking treatment is not only a difficult decision but also a financial burden.

We want to help recovery take wings, so we’re offering to cover airfare for individuals admitting to inpatient treatment at The Meadows Ranch between now and May 31.

When Your Child Needs Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment

Making the decision to send your adolescent daughter to an inpatient treatment center for an eating disorder may be one of the scariest and most difficult things you ever do as a parent. However, given the seriousness of eating disorders — anorexia, for example, has the highest death rate of all mental illnesses — it is important that you do insist that she get the treatment she needs. As a parent, your influence is more powerful than you may think.

Orthorexia: When Good Intentions Go Too Far

The Paleo Diet, Clean Eating, The Whole30, The Raw Food Diet… Everywhere we turn there’s a new diet philosophy touted as “the answer” to living a healthier, happier life. Each of these diets typically promises not only weight loss but also disease prevention and overall better health.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with eating healthy foods; but, if a person becomes fixated on a need to eat only what they consider the healthiest and most “pure” foods they could be suffering from an eating disorder called Orthorexia.