My Journey Through An Eating Disorder to Self-Acceptance

Eating Disorder

by Moriah Hvizdak

How can you accept your outsides if you hate the person inside? How can you care for the shell if you don’t care for the core first? This was my dilemma for so long. Slowly destroying my body as I turned my rage inward.

Recovering from My Eating Disorder Through Faith

Eating Disorder Through Faith

By Kelly Biese, 2007 The Meadows Ranch Alumna

I will never forget October 11, 2007, as I stood in front of the security gates at the Dayton airport. I was so angry with God. Part of me wanted to turn and run back, afraid that I’d never return to see my friends, and another part of me still believed I didn’t have a problem and would be sent back home when I got to The Meadows Ranch. I was just so tired of fighting and tired of being tired.

To Love Your Body, Find Your Soul

To Love Your Body, Find Your Soul

By: Megan Williams, The Meadows Ranch Alum 2005

Learning to love and appreciate my body has been a long, continuous process. After all, I did not learn to hate my body in a day. It is only natural that learning to love my body would take time.

How I Learned to Love My Body

Love My Body

By Natalie Packer, 2005 The Meadows Ranch Alumna

I did not love my body when I stepped foot out of a plane in the desert, en route to The Meadows Ranch in Wickenburg, Arizona. Nor did I love my body when I was transported to a hospital to prepare for insertion of a nasogastric feeding tube. I did not love my body as I watched my friends head out for equine therapy on horseback while I stayed behind with my brittle bones to chat and stroke Levi.