Why Do Girls Love Horses?

The Meadows Ranch Horse

I believe that one of the reasons girls identify with horses is because they allow us to express our own power. They teach us lessons in patience, communication, and how to regulate our emotions. These graceful and powerful animals serve as fuel for young girls’ imaginations. To me, horses almost take on a fantasyland like quality. They help mold our imagination about being different in the world. They let us be cowgirls, Olympic show jumpers, and best yet, ourselves.

We Can Help

At The Meadows Ranch, these noble creatures play a crucial role in eating disorder treatment and recovery. The equine therapy program at The Meadows Ranch helps ease eating disorder sufferers into trusting relationships. Our patients often emerge from treatment with a lasting bond with “their horse” and even check in on them long after they have successfully recovered and left treatment.

To learn more about how horses play a role in treatment, visit our Equine Therapy treatment page.
For additional information about the treatment of eating disorders, please call to speak to a Counselor at 866-390-5100.

By Emily Cullen, Equine Specialist, The Meadows Ranch

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The Meadows Seasons

The Meadows Ranch has transitioned to The Meadows Seasons in Wickenburg.

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